Wedding Gallery

Click HERE for 2024-25 Wedding Services Brochure

Keylight provides Wedding Photography, in the West Midlands, Birmingham, Leicester, Gloucester, Tamworth, Nuneaton, Coventry and the rest of the UK. Please contact us for a quotation and to see if we have photographed at your venue in the past.

IMG_1929 Front-Page-Image Chloe-Bunn-2V8A1355 Boy-THrough-Window-BIG Alex-Upton-IMG_3407 Chloe-2V8A8216-2020-Book Banner-13 Cara-Robins-2V8A8405 Emily-Marston-IMG_5435-LOW Hannah-McG-Pic_919- Hayley-Burgess-2V8A6336 Hazel-Pennington-IMG_4099 Helen-Nether-cot-2V8A5745 IMG_3513-v2-big Jen-Prunty-2V8A9320-LOW Jen-Prunty-2V8A9355-LOW Kat-IMG_9795 Ready-Big-Soft Snow-1-Big Pic_1121 Kayleigh-Trio1 Big-Brolly-Banner-Small-Ready1 IMG_63961 2V8A34811 AA1 AA2 AA3 AA4 AA5 2V8A08781 2V8A08861 2V8A08981 2V8A10051 2V8A76961 HL-1080-1 Screen-51 Screen-25 2V8A16531 2V8A20061 2V8A21981 2V8A22131 2V8A22981 2V8A33841 2V8A33901 2V8A33971 2V8A34851 2V8A35031 2V8A35171 2V8A38691 2V8A42581 2V8A43881 2V8A51561 2V8A55961 2V8A58011 2V8A62111 2V8A62171 Louise-Panorama-21 2V8A70021 2V8A71301 2V8A71811 2V8A73031 2V8A73421 2V8A73471 2V8A73691 2V8A73741 2V8A74601 2V8A74941 2V8A76561 2V8A76911 Rope-Swing-Trio 2V8A77481 2V8A78821 2V8A83241 IMG_4428 2V8A83611 2V8A84111 2V8A84431 2V8A85041 2V8A94411 Ice-Cream-Trio1 IMG_06141 IMG_06761 IMG_16981 IMG_21501 IMG_22301 IMG_23941 IMG_25631 IMG_0570 IMG_1148 IMG_26711 IMG_34321 IMG_34491 IMG_35881 IMG_41801 IMG_49791 IMG_57081 IMG_60451 IMG_60631 IMG_60871 IMG_61611 IMG_61691 IMG_6229-21 IMG_6234-21 IMG_62391 IMG_62481 IMG_62891 IMG_63191 IMG_63981 IMG_64211 IMG_65681 IMG_66221 IMG_74621 IMG_76211 IMG_8162-21 Maid-Triplet1 Pic_771 Pic_821 Pic_911 Pic_1181 Pic_1611 Pic_1621 Pic_1631 Table-Top1 Amy-1a Amy-2a IMG_0901-small-framed IMG_4713 In-the-Rolls-B Pic_1 Pic_87 Pic_86 Pic_85 Pic_84 Pic_83 Pic_82 Pic_81 Pic_80 Pic_79 Pic_78 Pic_77 Pic_76 Pic_75 Pic_74 Pic_73 Pic_72 Pic_71 Pic_70 Pic_69 Pic_68 Pic_67 Pic_66 Pic_65 Pic_64 Pic_63 Pic_62 Pic_61 Pic_60 Pic_59 Pic_58 Pic_57 Pic_56 Pic_55 Pic_54 Pic_53 Pic_52 Pic_51 Pic_50 Pic_49 Pic_48 Pic_47 Pic_46 Pic_45 Pic_44 Pic_43 Pic_42 Pic_41 Pic_40 Pic_39 Pic_38 Pic_37 Pic_36 Pic_35 Pic_34 Pic_33 Pic_32 Pic_31 Pic_30 Pic_29 Pic_28 Pic_27 Pic_26 Pic_25 Pic_24 Pic_23 Pic_22 Pic_21 Pic_20 Pic_19 Pic_18 Pic_17 Pic_16 Pic_15 Pic_14 Pic_13 Pic_12 Pic_11 Pic_10 Pic_9 Pic_8 Pic_7 Pic_6 Pic_5 Pic_4 Pic_3 Pic_2 Chloe-Brown-IMG_7079